Worka Filter
Erdbeere, Heidelbeere, Honigmelone
Auf einen Blick
Auf einen Blick
Ursprung: Äthiopien
Region: Yirgacheffe / Gedeo Zone
Washing Station: Worka Kooperative
Anbauhöhe: 1800 - 2200m
Varietät: Wolisho, Kurume, Dega
Aufbereitung: Natural
Geschmacksprofil: Erdbeere, Heidelbeere, Honigmelone
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The Worka Co-operative is found in the Gedeb woreda – the South of the Gedeo zone (Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia). It’s 411 members are part of the much larger Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Union (YCFCU). The Union has 28 co-operatives in the Gedeo zone.
In the area around the Worka Co-operative, smallholders primarily grow the Kudhume, Welisho, and Dego varietals. Kudhume is the most popular among them. And besides their shade-grown coffee trees, they tend to a diverse range of fruit trees. For the smallholders, it is common practice to make homemade organic composts to fuel their plots. They do this because it benefits the local ecosystem and it keeps their land healthy and balanced.
The Worka Co-operative produces washed and natural processed lots. Natural coffees lay bare to the sun for 15 days.
As typical for coffees from the Worka Co-operative this coffee yields a bright acidity, medium body, florals, and complex flavors – a trade often found in Yirgacheffe coffees.
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Yirgacheffe / Gedeo Zone
Washing Station: Worka Co-operative
Altitude: 1800 - 2200m
Variety: Wolisho, Kurume, Dega
Process: Natural
Flavor Profile: Strawberry - Raspberry - Cantaloupe
Im Handfilter: 15g Kaffee // 250g Wasser // 02:00 - 02:30 Minuten Kontaktzeit.
Filtermaschine: 5-6g Kaffee pro 100ml Wasser.
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